

Easter is coming!

Easter is coming! Decorating eggs is one of the most popular Easter tradition in Poland. Today, I saw how students prepared the Easter Eggs during the Art competition taking place in the Catholic Primary School in Opole. The Easter Eggs were very colourful and made of natural materials. It was a great fun to see so many fantastic Eco-friendly Easter Eggs!


European countries- a competition

Today, I broadened my knowledge about European countries. I hope, that everything what I learnt will be helpful during my journeys. I crossed my fingers and wings;) for students from class 6C who participated in the competition “Young Europeans -that’s who we are” organized by Middle School no. 7 in Opole.


A Women's Day

Today is a very special day. A Women’s Day! It is celebrated on 8th March every year. Students from class 2C invited me to the feast. The girls received warm wishes, roses and T-shirts (in my favourite colour) from the boys.