

The Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Opole

I went with students on a trip to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Opole. I admired the paintings on the walls and the stained-glass windows that constituted a good means of communication in the past. I found out that the cathedral is built in the Gothic style.


After school clubs

In Primary School no. 15 in Opole you can find many interesting after school clubs. I was a special guest of some of them. I visited the “Fans of English” club and played a memory game with the students. It was great fun! 

I also observed how students from the “European Club” tried to find, using computers, a special signs system to code the message for students from Slovenia. They used the QR code and the code used by Polish scouts.     


London is not a mystery!

Is London a mystery for you? It isn’t for students from Primary School no. 15 in Opole. Today, they took part in the competition organized by the Middle School no. 4 in Opole that checked their knowledge about the capital of England. All the questions were interactive and to give the answer, the students had to use a special remote control.